Alright it’s day 100084923439 of March and we are STILL quarantining, not back to a full routine AND much of what we consider “normal” has …

Holistic Nutrition
Holistic Nutrition
Alright it’s day 100084923439 of March and we are STILL quarantining, not back to a full routine AND much of what we consider “normal” has …
I have had zero motivation to write these past few weeks, which is odd seeing as I finally have the down time to spend on …
What is a Superfood? If you are like me and you are honestly very confused as to why we are referring to certain foods …
I recently started adding collagen to my shakes and I thought I would share some insight on the benefits of collagen and how it …
Write yourself a love note. Love is obviously the most important thing in our world. Relationships are everything but we spend so much time …
Our number one remedy- SLEEP. I’m all about self care these days! My small self care rituals help me take time for me, enjoy …
In 2018, I went to an acupuncturist for neck pain, I was out of alignment and wanted to try something new. To be honest …
This photo is from the first time I was in Hong Kong three years ago. A time when I had just basically uprooted my life …
UPDATE! I had my third appointment with my doctor yesterday and I’m finally feeling a change… it’s definitely been a rollercoaster. (if you aren’t …
I finally started feeling like enough was enough and something was going wrong. When I realized shit was happening within my body that I …