Are you ready to feel your best? Let’s work together!   


As an Integrative nutrition health coach I take a holistic approach to your well being. We focus on the mind, body, spirit connection- not JUST what you’re  eating. You’ll learn healthy habits and dive into a routine that works for YOU.  I know what it’s like to feel busy, overwhelmed and left with little energy at the end of the day. We will focus on implementing habits that are specifically designed for your lifestyle!


Allow me to guide you on your journey in rediscovering your health, happiness and well being. The Well by Brooke mentorship is three months long and is designed to cultivate the most balanced, fulfilled and healthy version of yourself possible.


The Mentorship Includes:

  • Three months of 1:1 weekly meetings 
  • Concierge services aka complete access to me via email/ text 
  • Restoring your metabolism and hormone health
  • Healthy habits and routines that work for YOU 
  • Ways to combat the stress of everyday life 
  • A deep dive into your health- mind, body, spirit
  • Mindset shifts and hacks that actually work 
  • Ditching the one size fits all mentality and curating a healthy lifestyle that is specific to YOU


This is NOT  for you if you:

  • Are looking for a quick-fix
  • Are not committed to making serious changes in order to level-up your life
  • Have an active eating disorder
  • Are 15 years or younger 


How to Get Started??

Apply Here!


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