This photo is from the first time I was in Hong Kong three years ago. A time when I had just basically uprooted my life …

Holistic Nutrition
Holistic Nutrition
This photo is from the first time I was in Hong Kong three years ago. A time when I had just basically uprooted my life …
Birthdays are weird for me- I’ve always felt some sort of pressure with them. It’s one day all about you but that day goes by …
Isn’t it fascinating that you can hop on a flight and go anywhere in the world??!!! I’m so thankful for this recent trip to …
I’m finally home from a whirlwind of travel! Traveling with my family, traveling with work, a wedding in between, and lots of time in the air! …
Why do you travel? Most people’s responses are similar- to get away from the everyday, to experience new places, to relax, to understand new cultures, …
What are you afraid of? As a child you were most likely a natural risk taker (like most children)- unaware of failure. However, somewhere along the …